Meet Elbridge Walker

Hello Fellow Arizonans,

My name is Elbridge Gerry Walker, and I am running for Governor of Arizona in 2022. I believe Arizona needs real leadership at this crucial point in our state’s history. My family goes all the way back to the signing of the Declaration of Independence and U.S Constitution. I would like to bring that spirit of Freedom, Independence and Liberty back to the Governor’s office. Arizona needs a Governor who is innovative and has the experience to lead the State. I believe I can bring unity to the Republican Party, as well as unite Independents and moderate Democrats. I support most of Trump’s and DeSantis’s political positions.

I have run a successful business in real estate development for 25 years. I have had a Pilot’s license, Coast Guard license and was a Level 1 Operator of a Class A Public Water system. I believe these skillsets uniquely qualify me for the position of Governor.

Elbridge Walker

Bringing the spirit of Freedom, Independence, and Liberty back to the Governor's office

If you stand with me, please sign my E-Qual Online Petition by clicking the link below.